January 548

The 8th International Scientific Conference

International Scientific Conference Archival Studies, Source Studies – Trends and Challenges

September 21-23, 2023


The National Archives of Georgia call for papers for the International Scientific Conference Archival Studies, Source Studies – Trends and Challenges.

The conference will be held on September 21-23, 2023 and is dedicated to the 950th anniversary of King of Georgia David Agmashenebeli.  


Due to the anniversary date a separate section will be dedicated to King David Agmashenebeli and his epoch.


The Goal of the Conference:

· Gathering scientific novelties;

· Stimulating close scientific ties between Georgian and foreign scientists; promoting interdisciplinary and intercultural research;

· Finding ways to adapt to the modern requirements of cultural heritage management;

· Sharing novelties in the field of digital humanities.


Scientific directions of the conference are:

· Philology (classical, Byzantine and modern Greek philology, literature, linguistics, theory of literature, codicology-textual criticism, folklore studies);

· History, source studies, archival studies, ethnology, anthropology;

· Art history (depictive and decorative-applied art, architecture, audio-visual art, music, theatre, theory of art and history, choreography);

· Cultural studies (museology, antiquity studies, theory of culture and history);

· Digital esthetics and design;

· Digital archives and data bases;

· Conservation and restoration.


Basic Requirements:

· The conference is open to individuals with academic degrees, as well as Masters and Doctoral students;

· The topic of the conference should contain scientific novelty and should not be published or read at any other scientific event;

· The volume of abstracts should not exceed 500 words;

· Working languages ​​of the conference: Georgian and English.


Important dates:

· The deadline for submission of abstracts is June 30, 2023.

· Deadline for sending notifications on abstracts acceptance - July 16, 2023.


Please note that all applications will undergo anonymous review.


Please fill out the registration form and send it to the following e-mail address: conferences@archives.gov.ge.

Additional Information:

Conference materials will be published or an electronic version of the materials will be uploaded.


See the Conference Program