January 548

Division of Scientific-Technical Documents

Goals and Functions:

  • Selection of documents of different institutions, enterprises, as well as the documents of the private origin and supplement of the Central Archive with the profile documents;
  • Complex control of the conditions of business correspondence and the archival affair in the banking source institutions;
  • Conduction of the appraiser examination of the archival fonds preserved at the Central Archive;
  • Organizational-methodical leadership and supervision of the work of the source-institution archives;
  • Statistic registration of the volume and the conditions of the archival fonds documents, temporarily preserved at the source-institutions, banking the Central Archive;
  • Creation and improvement of the scientific-informational data system, search system, electronic inventory on the documents, preserved at the Central Archive;
  • Issue of the social-legal certificates, according to the requests of the citizens scanning the technical documents of the division;
  • Scanning of the documents, creation of the digital versions, and translation of the descriptions with the object of the improvement of the citizens’ service.